From An Elder Tomboy


To Be A Girl

To be a girl is to be seen
As soft and sweet
Candyfloss goodness.
Prim & proper is how she should be.

But I was always
Rough around the edges
Liked to climb trees
Adventures down concrete paths
Riding bikes that always resulted in
Scraped knees.

I never liked dresses
They made me feel
Vulnerable In the edges of curves unseen.

I was never the girl anyone asked to the dance.

Made up my mind
Quite early on
That my existence was never
Going to be in the desire In boys eyes.

I was going to live independently from that.

More likely make boys
As I match wit and intellect
Beat them down in mental duels.

My sister
Would ask me often If I even liked them.

Maybe because I lived
As if I wanted to be them.

And maybe I did.

But thank goodness
I didn’t live
During a time
When Drs waited with baited breath To be God.

To recreate me in their own image.


I could explore,
Rest uneasy in teenage

Being human
Was acceptable.

It was not something to be beaten down
With drugs
And a scalpel.

Thank goodness
We were encouraged
To breathe.

To wait.

To know that even though
The darkness comes
It will not be for eternity.

Sometimes we find our souls there.

My heart breaks
For this generation of quick answers.

Who only know of youtuber
And influencer

In exchange for their likes.

The gods want worship
At the expense of your childhood.

Let me tell you
To wait.

It’s ok to feel uneasy.

You are stronger than
The experts say
Were born with intention.

Perfection is never real.

The ideal is never heaven.

Please wait.

By the time you are my age
You will realise
The rollercoaster of adolescence
Was meant to be ridden.

Every dark corner
Of your soul
Meant to be explored
To be discovered.

Please wait.

Don’t give in to the big answers.

Nothing in this life comes easy.

Please wait.

Don’t join in on the frenzy.
Become one of the many followers.

You were born unique
To be able to look outward of a selfie.

Revel in that beauty.



Letters From the Front is a new series from WoLF curating stories from women about how “gender identity” ideology has impacted them. We’ll share new letters, submitted anonymously, each week.

WoLF does not necessarily endorse the content of Letters.

Read more:


From A Peaked Former Ally


From An Estranged Mother