“I am a teacher and could very well lose my job.”

“It is my sincere hope women are allowed freedom of speech so that they may express their own personal views without having to live in fear of their safety and livelihoods.”

I have been maliciously doxxed for my radical feminist views that I shared on a private social media page. The doxxers released where I work. I am a teacher and have been asked to take a leave of absence and I could very well lose my job.

Of course, I would never take my own personal views into the classroom as that is highly inappropriate. However, I did the take the opportunity to share my views on a private social media page in the hopes of educating people on the harms of gender ideology. For me, it is incredibly sad to watch detransitioners' stories on the internet. For example, hearing about the regret some young women face after doing irrevocable harm to their bodies with hormones, double mastectomies, etc. What adults want to do with their bodies is none of my concern. We should all be free to live, love and dress as we see fit. However, with this nonsense coming from big tech, big pharma and big finance being pushed on children, some of them toddler age, I felt I needed to speak up. Again, on a PRIVATE social media page. It is my view that this relatively new gender ideology is capitalism and patriarchy in action.

The doxxers, a local group of trans activists, also know where I live. I now live in fear for my children's and my physical safety and must move ASAP. They have ruined my life. I wasn't transphobic before, but now I am absolutely terrified of trans people.

It is highly unfortunate that lives can be ruined over speaking up on the harms of gender ideology. One of the founding principles of this country was once freedom of speech. Never did I personally attack anyone or try to incite violence, nor would I ever.

It angers me deeply that in the month of June the pride/trans flag is everywhere. Where is the flag for Black History Month in February?!? In my mind, black people in the United States have been more marginalized and harmed for centuries. To have a group of privileged, white males trying to force their way into women's spaces and then cry "genocide" is sheer insanity.

I don't say this lightly, but it truly feels like we are living in Nazi Germany where we are not allowed to have differing views from the mainstream. I am not a racist or hateful person. To ruin someone's life because they don't think biological males can ever be women is truly unfair and hurtful.

It is my sincere hope women are allowed freedom of speech so that they may express their own personal views without having to live in fear of their safety and livelihoods. Please stay strong, my sisters, and continue fighting the good fight so that children are protected. Thank you.

- MS

Letters From the Front is a series from WoLF curating stories from women about how “gender identity” ideology has impacted them. We’ll share new letters, submitted anonymously, each week. Write in to share your own story!

WoLF does not necessarily endorse the content of Letters.



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