We Must Protect Women’s Rights

Letter #1: Protect Women's Rights

We must protect the rights of women and girls now and into the future, especially so with the current misogynistic and vengeful supreme court. We must also protect women from overzealous progressives who think that women should forfeit their spaces and hard-won achievements for others to simply take them away. All humans and animals should feel safe and protected but not at the cost of women and our (fragile) right to a just, fair, and secure life.

- R.B.

Letter #2: We must keep our women safe by eliminating transgenderism

I write this letter with extreme worry that gender ideology is trying to take over the young and helpless minds of school-aged girls such as my daughter. By legislation in Pennsylvania, men are allowed to use the bathroom with my daughter, and teachers in my district fully support this nonsense, exposing my daughter to ideas that her young ears should not hear. I fully support WOLF, and organizations similar in the elimination of transgenderism via laws or force.

- Audrey

Letter #3: Stop taking our stuff

Women are presently appallingly disregarded from both the left and the right. Without being able to name ourselves and advocate in plain language for our rights, to claim our own spaces, sports and considerations based on our sex, women have no recognized existence. There is no way to square the intent and meaning of Title IX with Gender ID, for example. Women are real, ideology is illusory. Human beings cannot change gender, period. And from the right the dangerous elimination of maternity care for women and the lack of choice regarding reproductive care is sending America backwards in time. Who will be held responsible for the many deaths and ill health from both of these draconian ideologies heaped upon the bodies of women?

- G.R.


Letters From the Front is a series from WoLF curating stories from women about how “gender identity” ideology has impacted them. We’ll share new letters, submitted anonymously, each week. Write in to share your own story!

WoLF does not necessarily endorse the content of Letters.



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